Sunday, November 23, 2008

eessh, what a sad day

hey the new post, i'm not so sure about what i want to do in life and im turning 19 next month, i've had quite a bit of time i think to figure it out but i aint so sure ( plus don't bother bout the writing cos i always write just the way id talk)
it bothers me cause there are a lot of things i enjoy doing with what im doing write now but im passionate about it or just bout anything right now, is it really nessesary cause it does make me feel a whole lot empty. i think birthdays always bring bout these kind of thoughts, getting old n everything lesser time to fig out stuff not that u can ever stop of course get to a stage really when you feel content n then of course once you're there ul be all like crap lifes so boring once you're figured..... but tats everything n nothing, like saying the point is there is no point and that is the point its this whole never ending scheme of life getting bout it thinking you're so \c lose every time n once you think you've perfected something its starts all over again , just like the theories people come up with in science right n then once it does emerge taking time to fig it out n bla, like a second hand on a clock moving all round n you fix your one target n keep going round n round n round ... pointless right u tell me !eesh got me self confused alright don think it matters though prob wont come up with stuff till i think im losing out on everything n stuff, but of course there is a point for me a constant which is never stop having fun, just wish it was as easy as it sound n not so much work n consequences.

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